Though permaculture practitioners design with plants, animals, buildings, and organizations, they focus less on those objects themselves than on the careful design of relationships among them—interconnections that will create a healthy, sustainable whole. Interconnections are what turns a collection of unrelated parts into a functioning system, whether it’s a community, a family, or an ecosystem.
— - Toby Hemenway
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Take a Permaculture Design Course from within the WAME Network!

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We need to bank on biology.
— Andrew Faust
Money does grow on trees.
— Sara (Verdenergia/We are blacksheep)
Verde Permaculture Course.PNG


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Progressively improve whole agrosystems (soil, water, and biodiversity)

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Create context-specific designs and make holistic decisions that express the essence of each farm

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Ensure and develop just and reciprocal relationships amongst all stakeholders

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Continually grow and evolve individuals, farms, and communities to express their innate potential