On May 7, 2022, Jenny left NYC to head to St. Georges, Bermuda where she met up with activist Jonah Rogers and some local supporters. Together, they embarked on EarthWALK - Bermuda End-to-End. This was a 24 mile day hike with herself, Jonah and 5 local Bermudian leaders and activists for Mother Earth.

With every step she takes, Jenny is learning more and more about the natural healing effects of walking and being in nature. One of the lessons she is determined to share is that everything is interconnected. She wants to talk about how the effects of climate change are causing increased anxiety and how anxiety prevents us from acting with care toward each other and Mother Earth. Together, we can stop this vicious cycle and choose something different. Less screen time, more time with Mother Earth. Less plastic, more hemp. Less pollution, more recycling. Less fossil fuels, more renewable energy. Less fear, more courage. Less hate, more love.

It happens one step at a time.